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Your 2 week old baby – what is best for baby now


Though we live in an informed society, many still believe that a baby can be “spoiled rotten”. However, baby’s physical and emotional needs are still so basic that they cannot possibly be spoiled too much! Infants have basic needs such as food, warmth, love, tenderness and the feeling of security which can hardly account for educational measures. You cannot give enough of these essential requirements so do not let your newborn cry for food for too long, even if you are very tired.

Putting baby in his crib in his own room, is a modern way of thinking in which babies are thought to be separate units from their parents. Yet, historically and as it is naturally intended, babies should always stay near the family: either carried in a sling or in a moses basket where mother or father is. Numerous studies have shown that those babies who are actively taken into everyday family life are much happier, cry much less and have a better chance of becoming more content and self-confident adults. If you still worry that your precious angel does not get enough sleep with all the background noise, think again: babies get used to all the noise and in fact, it calms them because they know that there is always somebody there to look after them.

Baby’s food

Breastfeeding is best for baby. Human milk is not only nutritionally optimised for baby’s needs, the close contact to the mother creates a deep bond which nurtures a very special relationship. However, breastfeeding can be accompanied by lots of difficulties so it is important to know somebody you can turn to if it gets tough going.

2 week old baby in parent\'s arms

If you cannot breastfeed or you decide not to breastfeed: do not worry! Artificial formula has nutritionally very high standards and companies are trying their best to create formula that is as close to human milk as artificially possible. Nonetheless, formula milk can be dangerous for baby if it is not prepared in a clean setting with good standards of hygiene. So please make sure that your hands are clean before you prepare a bottle and the feeding equipment is sterilized in order to minimize the risk for baby.

When baby is breastfed he wants frequent feedings – day and night – so be prepared to feed up to 10 times in 24 hours. This can be particularly demanding when baby has a growth spurt of which there is one during the first few days at home, another one at around 7 to 10 days and one at 2 to 3 weeks. Please make sure to allow yourself plenty of rest: sleep when baby sleeps!

When baby is bottle fed he is likely to feed up to 8 hours in 24 hours. Artificial milk tends to be more filling and can intervene with baby’s natural sleep pattern so make sure to keep baby close at all times so you can respond quickly if necessary. When baby has a growth spurt prepare yourself for more unsettled nights!

Keeping baby clean

In our modern age of allergies it is important to help baby build up immunity by using as little bath supplements, soaps, etc as possible. Baby’s skin is extremely delicate and does not require any perfume, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers etc. In fact, a newborn only requires a weekly bath with clear water! Scientific studies reveal that babies are born without the protective acid mantle, thus giving baby a daily bath can be more damaging when baby’s skin protection is still developing.

Baby’s bottom can be cleaned effectively with warm water and soft cotton wool dipped in some vegetable or olive oil. Change your baby’s nappy frequently to prevent nappy rash. Let him kick his feet with his bare bottom for at least 15 minutes so his skin can breathe a little. If he has nappy rash, use ointments that contain zinc: they are reliable helpers as they support the healing process and keep the skin dry. If you breastfeed you can also put some breast milk on his bottom – it speeds up the healing process!

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